Books and Recommended Readings for Spiritual Growth
"Adult Sunday School and Bible Study Guide" ISBN 0-9703830-0-2

A Comprehensive Resource for Bible Study & Adult Sunday School!
Book-1 (Sold Out - Currently Unavailable!)
This material familiarizes the student with a comprehensive overview of the Godhead, The Holy Bible and The Church while stimulating a participatory, pleasing, scholastic environment. The curriculum used is the Holy Bible, KJV.
We are excited about the following subjects from the word of God which include: Who is God?, Who is Jesus Christ?, Who is the Holy Spirit?. The Bible, The Christian, The Pastor, Introduction to Prayer, The Church, Church Relationships, Church Unity, Church Vision, and The Family.
Each robust subject is outlined to enhance the opportunity for optimum retention and comprehension. Each outline contains an introduction, memory verse, objective, study syllabus, participatory review, key terms and conclusion. With this "User Friendly" format, the instructor/facilitator can smoothly expound on the lessons as students easily follow through the outlines.
"The Christian Handbook on Pre-Marriage, Marriage and Divorce" ISBN 0-9703830-1-0

A Comprehensive Resource for the Single, Widow(er), Couples & Couples-to-be!
Book-2 (Sold Out - Currently Unavailable!)
This material presents a comprehensive study on Marriage, Separation and Divorce. We also address the Single in Christ, the Widow in Christ, Christian Parenting, Godly Counsel in Making the Right Decision and How to Restore the Marriage.
Each topic comes packed with Teaching, Scripture, Memory Verses, Study Questions and a Practicum. Also included are charts on communication, what to do if married to an unbeliever, and financial worksheets to help in the financial restoration process. Yes, this book is a must for clergy and the layperson. Enjoy using this handbook within your family and sharing it with others as you watch families begin to heal and restore in the name of Jesus!
Recommended Readings and Reference Resources
A General Introduction to the Bible.
Geisler & Nix.
Chicago: Moody Press, 1978.
An Introduction to the New Testament.
Zondervan Publishing House.
Zondervan Publishing House, 1992.
The Epistle to the Hebrews.
Attridge, H.
Philadelphia: Fortress, 1989.
The Psalms.
Alexander, J.A.
Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1964.
Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics.
Geisler, N.L.
Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House, 1999.
The Apostle Paul.
Barnes, Albert.
Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House, 1950.
Revelation, an Expository Commentary.
Barnhouse, Donald Grey.
Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1971.
Barnhouse, Donald Grey.
Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1960.
The Victor Handbook of Bible Knowledge.
Beers, V.G.
Illinois: Victor Books, 1981.
Systematic Theology.
Berkhof, L.
Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1941.
Big Book.
Alcoholics Anonymous (4th ed.).
New York, New York: Alcohol Anonymous World Services, 2001.
A History of Israel.
Bright, J.
London: SCM Press, 1967.
New Testament History.
Bruce, F.F.
London: Oliphants, 1971.
Christianity through the Centuries: A History of the Christian Church (3rd ed.)
Cairns, E.
Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1996.
Exegetical Fallacies. (2nd ed.)
Carson, D.
Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1996.
The Dayspring from on High.
Cary, Emma Forbes.
Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1894.
Competent Christian Counseling.
Clinton, T., Ohlschlager, G.,
Colorado Springs, Colorado: Waterbrook Press, 2002.
Expository Sermons on Revelation.
Criswell, W.A.
Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1966.
The World on Trial: Studies in Romans.
DeHaan, Richard W.
Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1970.
Exploring the Old Testament.
Demaray, C. E., Et al.
Kansas City, Mo: Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, 1955.
New International Bible Dictionary.
Douglas, J.D. Tenney, M. C.T.
Zondervan Publishing House, 1987.
Grasping God’s Word: A Hands-on Approach to Reading, interpreting, and applying the Bible (2nd ed.)
Duvall, J. & Hays, J.
Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2005.
Practical Studies in Revelation.
Epp, Theodore H.
Lincoln, Nebraska: Back to the Bible Broadcast, n.d.
Christian Theology. (2nd ed.)
Erickson, M.
Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1998.
How to Read the Bible for all its Worth (3rd ed.)
Fee G., & Stuart, D.
Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2003.
The Minor Prophets.
Feinberg, Charles L.
Chicago, Illinois: Moody Press, 1976.
Backgrounds of Early Christianity, 2nd. ed.
Ferguson, E.
Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1993.
New Testament Introduction.
Fiensy, D.A.
College Press Publishing, 1994.
The Revelation.
Gaebelin, Arno C.
Neptune, New Jersey: Loizeaux Brothers, 1915.
The Book of Psalms.
Gaebelin, Arno C.
Neptune, New Jersey: Loizeaux Brothers, 1939.
Gaebelin, Arno C. Annotated Bible.
Neptune, New Jersey: Loizeaux Brothers, n.d.
Numerical Bible.
Grant, F.W.
Neptune, New Jersey: Loizeaux Brothers, 1891.
Synthetic Bible Studies.
Gray, James M.
Old Tappan, New Jersey: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1906.
New Testament Introduction, 4th ed.
Guthrie, D.
Downers Grove, Illinois: Intervarsity Press, 1990.
Halley's Bible Handbook.
Halley, H.H.
Grand Rapids MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1965.
Recovery in Christ Drug and Alcohol Ministries.
Hawkins, L.
Aurora, Colorado: Lee Hawkins, Inc., 1999.
A Commentary on the Whole Bible.
Henry, Matthew.
Old Tappan, New Jersey: Fleming H Revell Company, 1700.
The Bible Knowledge Commentary.
Hodges, Z.
Wheaton: Victor Books, 1983.
Author of the Book of Hebrews.
Hoppin, P.R.
New York, NY: Exposition, 1969.
The Revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Hoyt, Herman A.
Winona Lake, Indiana: Brethern Missionary Herald, 1966.
A Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews.
Hughes, P. E.
Grand Rapids: Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1977.
(Against Heresies)
Lectures on the Book of Revelation.
Ironside, H.A.
Neptune, New Jersey: Loizeaux Brothers, 1960.
Numbers & Deuteronomy-Self Study Guide
Jensen, Irving L. .
Chicago, Illinois: Moody Press, 1967.
Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi.
Jensen, Irving L.
Chicago, Illinois: Moody Press, 1976.
(Dialogue with Trypho)
Justin Martyr
Introductory to the Pentateuch.
Kelly, William. Lectures,
Oak Park, Illinois: Bible Truth Publishers, 1870.
Paleographical Dating of P46 to the Later First Century.
Kim, Young Kyu,
Biblica, 1988.
Introduction to Biblical interpretation.
Klein, W., Blomberg, C. & Hubbard, R.
Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2004.
The Book of Revelation.
Larkin, Clarence.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Published by the Author, 1919.
The Authorship of the Book of Hebrews.
Leonard W.
Rome: Vatican Press, 1939.
There's a New World Coming.
Lindsey, Hal.
Santa Ana, California: Vision House Publishers, 1973.
All the Promises of the Bible.
Lockyer, Herbert.
Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1962.
Commentary on Romans. 1516 Reprint.
Luther, Martin.
Grand Rapids, Michigan: Kregel Publications, 1976.
Fighting For Your Marriage.
Markman, H., Stanley, S., Blumberg.
San Francisco, California: Jossey-Bass, 2001.
Thru the Bible with J. Vernon McGee.
McGee, J. Vernon
Pasadena, CA: Thru the Bible with Radio Publishing, 1983.
Introduction to Psychology and Counseling.
Meier, Minirth, Wichem, Ratliff.
Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Books, 1982.
The Book of Revelation.
Newell, William R.
Chicago, Illinois: Moody Press, 1974.
The King James Version, (Reader's Edition).
New Scofield Study Bible,
New York, NY: Oxford Press, 1998.
Expositions of the Oracles of the Lord, ca 140 A.D.
Orthodoxy and Heresy: Where to Draw the Line.
Parkinson, J.
Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 1991.
Baker’s Bible Atlas.
Pfeiffer, Charles.
Grand Rapids MI: Baker Books Publishing, 1961.
Exploring Revelation.
Phillips, John.
Chicago, Illinois: Moody Press, 1974.
Exposition of Hebrews.
Pink, A.
Baker Books, n.d.
Verbal Aspects in the Greek of the New Testament.
Porter, S.
Bern: Peter Lang, 1989.
Principles and Practices of Greek Exegesis.
J. D. Grassmick, Dallas: Dallas Theological Seminary, 1974.
The Complete Book of Bible Answers.
Rhodes, R.
Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 1997.
Ridderbos, J.
Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1984.
Ryrie, Charles C.
Chicago, Illinois: Moody Press, 1968.
Deuteronomy. The Gospel of Love.
Schultz, Samuel J.
Chicago, Illinois: Moody Press, 1971.
Exposition of the Revelation of Jesus Christ.
Scott, Walter.
London: Pickering and Inglis, n.d.
A Revelation of Jesus Christ.
Smith, J.B.
Scottsdale, Pennsylvania: Herals Press, 1961.
The Age of the Reformation.
Smith, Preserved.
Cambridge, Massachusetts: Henry Holt and Company, 1820.
Soul-Stirring Sermons.
Anderson, Indiana: Gospel Trumpet Company, 1915.
The Treasury of David. Reprint.
Spurgeon, Charles Haddon.
Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1974.
The Book of Revelation.
Strauss, Lehman.
Neptune, New Jesey: Loizeaux Brothers, 1964.
The Minor Prophets.
Tatford, Frederick A.
Minneapolis, Minnesota: Klock and Klock, n.d.
New International Bible Dictionary.
Tenney, Merril C.,
Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1967.
The Bible and Archaelogy.
Thompson, J.A.
Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1960.
Through the Pentateuch Chapter by Chapter.
Thomas, W. H. Griffith.
Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1967.
Theology for Today.
Towns, E.
Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2002.
Methodical Bible Study: A New Approach to Hermeneutics.
Traina, R.
Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1980.
Archeology and the New Testament.
Unger, Merrill F.
Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1962.
Archeology and the Old Testament.
Unger, Merrill F.
Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1954.
Unger's Bible Handbook.
Unger, Merrill F.
Chicago, Illinois: Moody Press, 1971.
Unger's Commentary on the Old Testament.
Unger, Merrill F.
Chicago, Illinois: Moody Press, 1981.
Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Old Testament & New Testament Words.
Vine, W.
Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1997.
The Revelation of Jesus Christ.
Walvoord, John F.
Moody Bible Institute, 1966.
Famous Women of the New Testament.
Wharton, M.B.
New York, NY. 1890.
Everyman’s Bible Commentary-Daniel.
Witcom, John C.
Moody Bible Institute, 1985.
Analytical Concordance to the Bible.
Young, R.
Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 1984.
Zondervan New International Dictionary.
Zondervan Publishing House, 1987.